Sunday, September 9, 2012

How the World’s Best Wines are Made

How the World’s Best Wines are Made

and….. fallen trees are memorialized!

After a recent afternoon thunderstorm, I discovered a large tree had fallen behind our house. It had, obviously, been dead for a very long time, as it was mostly lacking any bark and most of the limbs had rotted away. However, it was still massive. It had to have weighed several tons. My first thought was about the huge task that lay before me. It was going to take several hours with a chainsaw to clean this mess up.


Then, as a bolt of lightning from heaven... it came to me!

The same hidden force that caused this beast of a tree to fall to the ground was the same force that has clarified our wines for hundreds of years! Slowly, relentlessly, 24 hours a day, the “Force of Gravity” worked its magic. Gravity never stopped pulling the tiniest particle of the grape or fruit to the bottom of the wine barrel.

Those wine artists of years gone by, understood this silent miracle. All they had to do was to be patient…and…wait! For a year or more they waited. As each day passed, their excitement grew. Then, finally, the day of celebration arrived! With their wine thief in hand, they drew out a small amount of the wine and slowly released it into their wine goblet. Raising the goblet to their nose, they smelled the fragrance of the grape. It was a good, pure and refreshing smell! Next, came the color of the wine. It was bright, clear and vibrant! Now the moment of the greatest anticipation…the ‘First Taste’! Raising the goblet slowly to the lips, the fate was sealed. The ‘Taste’…’Flavor’ and ‘Bouquet’ of the wine rang out loud and clear. With the wine artists care, and the restive hand of gravity, another fabulous vintage of wine was born! 


The story that I have just told, is true! This story has been repeated by wine artists for most of our human existence. It is the story of the finest wines in the world. It is the story of our collective heritage. It is the story of…”UNFILTERED WINES”!!

So, as an informed consumer, you are now empowered to judge and select a perfect bottle of wine! All that you need to look for is the word on the wine label…”UNFILTERED”!

If you need further info or encouragement, please feel free to contact me or stop by our vineyard and winery. All that we produce are…Unfiltered Wines!

(PS: I’ve postponed cutting up the fallen tree. After writing this Blog, I’m thinking of turning it into a memorial. However, I should tell you, my wife thinks…otherwise!)

Thank You…’Salute and Happy Days’!

If you have any comments or questions on this Blog or suggestions for future Blogs, please email me at

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