Tuesday, May 8, 2018

So, you've Decided to Start Collecting and Saving Wines.....


Nearly every day, someone tells us about their decision to start collecting and storing wines. It seems to be a cool thing to do! With little or no knowledge, people are willing to invest their hard earned money into a hobby that gives them little or no return on their investment!

Remember, your job is to enjoy wines, not to store them. You should leave the storing of wines to the real pros, like BHV. If, however, you are still determined to pursue your dream of creating an awesome wine collection, continue reading this Blog before spending another dime!

 As BHV is the ONLY Vineyard/Winery in America that advocates for you, the wine consumer, you should follow our advice, below, precisely!

First, understand that there are two types of wines produced in America, today. Fake, Factory produced wines, and Real wines from Real American wineries. The ONLY wines that you should even consider placing in your collection are wines from Real American wineries!

Printed on the Wine labels of Real American Wineries will be these words 100% of the time…”GROWN, PRODUCED, VINTED & BOTTLED”! Additionally, and prominently displayed will be the word…”UNFILTERED”! The top of the wine bottle will be sealed with real sealing wax, NOT plastic or aluminum foil! These are the ONLY wines that can age and the ONLY wines that have the potential to increase in value over the years!

It’s important to understand that the purpose of wine making was determined thousands of years ago by our ancestors. That purpose is clear and straight-forward…”To capture the Harvest of Today and Extend that Harvest ‘Indefinitely’ into the Future, with NO end Time!

Because Real American wineries are committed to this mandate, with each click of the clock the value of their wine grows!

Thank You, The Green Winer

Friday, May 4, 2018

Looking for a Job? Maybe This Will Help.

As an adult who has witnessed a life of living and working in the private sector, I thought that it might be helpful to you to give you a few suggestions on where to spend your life working.

Today, without question, you should head to the nearest government employment office (State, Local or Federal) and submit your application. Do not consider working in the private sector! Here’s why.

After decades of working for a private sector employer, your employer can file for Federal Bankruptcy and a Federal Judge can negate your entire retirement income. You see, in the private sector, your retirement income IS NOT considered a liability of your employer. If however, you follow my advice and seek employment with the Government that same Federal Judge will rule that your retirement income IS a liability of the Government and MUST be fully funded and paid for by the taxpayer! This difference is huge and must be considered.

In the private sector your continued employment IS NOT guaranteed. Your employer can dismiss you or outsource your job at any time. Pay scales and benefits can be adjusted at the will of your employer. If, however, you follow my advice and seek work with the Government, your job will be guaranteed for life. Simply don’t make any waves our upset the status quo. Pay raises will flow to you on a regular basis along with benefit increases. In many cases, if you work for different government agencies, you will be eligible for multiple full retirement incomes. This is unheard of in the private sector! Even your retirement income will increase as adjustments are made by Government due to the cost of living.

In the private sector, you will work most holidays and weekends. You will sacrifice precious time with your growing kids and family. If, however, you follow my advice and seek employment with the Government, you will be given most holidays off work with full pay and benefits. If the holiday should fall on the weekend, you will be given a bonus day off of either Friday or Monday. Normally, you will have every weekend off.

In the private sector, a Union Worker must negotiate all pay and benefit increases with their private sector employer. Ultimately, the sales and profits of the private sector company will dictate how much of those sales and profits can be redirected to the union employee. If however, you follow my advice and seek employment with the Government, you will find it much easier to negotiate. Both you and the Government are employees of the same the employer, the Taxpayer. Unlike your counterpart in the private sector your employer is not even present at any negotiations. There is no connection, relationship or limitations imposed by any kind of sales or profits.

Lastly, but certainly not least, if you should decide to start your own small business, please understand that government has stacked the deck against you. Even though YOU must pay taxes and rents and higher costs for goods and services, the largest national and multinational corporations are granted, by government, extended or permanent free rent or exemptions from taxes. Many other perks often flow in their direction. All of this largess is paid for by you. The largest and most profitable U.S.A. corporation in the world paid NO Federal income taxes last year.
So, in conclusion, choose your path wisely!
Thank You…the “Green Winer